A to Z Challenge

#AtoZChallenge 2022 Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter

I have decided to start the Blogging A to Z Challenge. What is it? Basically, starting April 1st, you write a new post once a day starting with A and going to Z. It’s a whole thing and people have been doing it for years. I’ve been wanting to do it since I heard about it a long time ago, but I’ve never done it.

So today I start with:

The A to Z Challenge

Why am I doing this? To see if I can be a blogger.

Do I blog? I have blogged as evidenced by the fact that you are reading my blog right now. But am I a blogger?

I have had many false starts. In the 90s, before WordPress, before Facebook, before a “web log” was called a “blog” people were debating whether you put a single or double space after a period. This was the Ancient Times when the web was just something cool on the internet. I had a website diary that I called Tri-angulations where I would email my thoughts to a few friends and classmates. Then I hand-coded a website where I would post the email. When someone replied to the email, I would edit the html and add their reply to the page.

But at that time it wasn’t called a blog and I only did 16 of them. So maybe you can call me a proto blogger.

I am definitley not a professional blogger. I’ve never made money from a blog post — with the possible exception of dummy posts when setting up blogs for clients. I have made money writing lessons plans, technical writing, press releases, newspaper articles, and code. I have even been paid a bunch of times on Fiverr for writing 10 ideas. But I have never made a dime writing a blog post.

I have had many ideas for blogs over the years. My latest idea was an irreverent self-help advice blog called Shut The Fuck Up And. I once tried to be a fashion blogger (luckily none of my post still exist because I sucked at it). I blogged about Android apps for a little bit. Recently I guest blogged about NFTs and how I was a bit of a proto crypto-bro. I haven’t made money with that either (but I’m hodling, so there’s still time).

But blogging? I like the idea of being a blogger. But I also like I like the idea of having written a book — it would be really cool thing to or have written a book, but it doesn’t seem like a fun thing to actually do.

So, let’s experiment. I have never blogged for 26 days in a row. Maybe I’ll like it. Maybe I’ll hate it. There’s only one way to find out!

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